Saturday, July 11, 2009

Weekly Wrap Up (P90X, Running, Yoga)

Tuesday night I ran with the Oberlin gang and then came home to do my P90X Chest, Shoulders, & Arms, plus Ab-Ripper X. This was my most normal night of the week.

Wednesday I had a soccer meeting then plans to watch my nephew's band Darkhorse at the Red Iron in Wellington. Plus I would be away from home on Thursday & Friday so I decided to switch P90X Back & Biceps to Wednesday night. This allowed me to travel without needing to find a pull-up bar or weights.

Thursday morning I donated blood.

Thursday night I met my family at Gem Beach at Catawba Island. I brought my laptop and tried to do P90X Plyometrics on the beach, but the waves were too loud so I came back and did the P90X workout in the yard. I added Ab-Ripper X, which doesn't usually go with Plyo but I was due since I had switched nights.

Friday morning I went for an easy 2 mile run with my son Luke and then in the evening I did P90X Yoga. The neat thing was I was under the supervision of an actual yoga instructor (my wife's friend Jen). Thanks for the advice!

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